
Russellville Police Department
We appreciate all of our Officers and Employees and the job they do.
Awards for 2015
Attendance Award
Lt Chad Sheffield
Sgt Michael Miller
Sgt Jake Tompkins
Officer Dustin Terry
Dispatcher David Romans
Physical Fitness Award
Sgt Michael Miller
Officer Dustin Terry
Officer Brett Evans
Volunteer Service Award
Reserve Officer Terri Saint
Reserve Officer Travis Trotter
Reserve Officer Jordan Testerman
Reserve Officer Kyle Clements
Reserve Officer Chase White
Reserve Officer Branden Roberts
Good Conduct Award
Officer Reece Coan
Officer Dustin Terry
Officer Brett Evans
Chiefs Distinguished Service Award
Chaplain Bobby Brown
Dispatcher David Romans
Terri Saint
Officer of the Year
Officer Reece Coan
Awards for 2016
Attendance Award
Lt Chad Sheffield
Sgt Michael Miller
Officer Daniel Gomez
Officer Travis Trotter
Officer Daniel Cruise
Dispatcher David Romans
Physical Fitness Award
Officer Brett Evans
Officer Travis Trotter
Certificate of Commendation
Officer Brett Evans
Volunteer Service Award
Reserve Officer Dylan Haney
Good Conduct Award
Officer Craig Bullion
Chiefs Distinguished Service Award
Officer Brandi Whiteley
Reserve Officer Terri Saint
Community Service Award
Officer Brian Vickery
Life Saving Award
Officer Brian Vickery
Officer of the Year
Officer Chandler Cruise