
Chief Chris Hargett
I would like to welcome you and thank you for viewing the Russellville Police Department website. I am pleased that we are able to provide the Citizens with this new tool. This site will allow the citizens of Russellville as well as other citizens the opportunity to see the inter working of the Russellville Police Department and to assist us in keeping Russellville a safe place to live, work and play.
We here at the department strive to provide the most professional and courteous service as possible. We want the citizens of Russellville to be involved in helping us make this city one of the safest in North Alabama and the state, which is why we have added links that will allow citizens to become involved anonymously. This will benefit the department as well as the community we serve.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of the employees of the Russellville Police Department. Without these individuals this department would not be where it is today. Each one of them plays a crucial part in providing services to the citizens of the City of Russellville, from the dispatcher that takes the calls, to the officer that responds to the calls, to the clerk that files the paperwork. I would also ask that you as citizens to thank an officer if you have an opportunity. It truly means more to officers than you know.
In closing, if I or anyone else from this department can assist you, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Chief Chris Hargett
COVID-19 Update City of Russellville
Various city leaders and medical personnel met this morning to discuss the COVID-19 Virus and actions that we need to consider. At this time, we are asking citizens to adhere to the recommendations of the CDC (Center for Disease Control) and the Alabama Department of Public Health. At last night’s City Council meeting the Mayor and council passed a resolution declaring a local emergency to go hand in hand with the State and National Emergencies declared. What this does is allows the Mayor to take action on things that normally would have to have council approval related to the COVID-19 Virus. Information we have received is that if you feel you may be infected and have the symptoms that you should call your personal doctor first, before going to Urgent Cares or Emergency Rooms. If you do not have a primary doctor then you can call 1-888-264-2256 for screening. This is the recommendation from the Department of Public Health. It is very possible that you may have several of the symptoms but not be positive for COVID-19. You may also dial #211 for general information related to the COVID-19 Virus. You may also go to www.alabamapublichealth.gov to get up to date information and the latest number of positive cases in Alabama.
We have received word that some people are getting on social media stating that they have knowledge of positive COVID-19 cases in Russellville. We urge you to check the Alabama Public Heath website for confirmation before spreading rumors. All this does is cause undue panic and alarm that is not needed at this time. We will give updates as we get them as to any positive cases being diagnosed in Russellville and Franklin County. We ask you to protect yourselves and family by adhering to the steps listed by the Alabama Department of Heath and the CDC (CDC.gov) www.cdc.gov
All City essential services, Police, Fire, Street, City Hall will continue normal business hours. We will be sanitizing the offices to insure they are safe for the public but, if you can get your information by phone we ask that you use that means to do so. You may call using these numbers:
City Hall 256-332-6060
Police Department 256-332-2230
Fire Department 256-332-8761
Street Department 256-332-8750
The Russellville Library has made some modification to their schedule and they are as follows:
Effective 3/17/2020
No Computers, Reading Areas, or Reference Books are available at this time.
All programs have been canceled until further notice.
We ask you do not remain in the building for a prolonged period of time.
No public restrooms available.
No children unattended.
Curbside pickup available by calling 256-332-1535
We will make additional updates as we are also informed.